Monday, May 24, 2010

Photography's impact on your business

In today's marketplace we are innundated with so many offers and messages from similar businesses that it is imperative to figure out a way to set yourself and your business apart from the others in your field.

Be a trendsetter in your field.

You do your work differently than everyone else, you're not just like the other guy and you certainly have your unique way of doing things. It's time for you to take the bull by the horns and become a trendsetter. One thing that will put in front of the curve is to take the photography of yourself and your products a more seriously. The photograph is the first thing that most people see when they come to your site. In the the case of a product, it's what they are going to base their buying decision on, yet today so many entrepreneurs compromise on this very important part of their marketing. They justify it by telling themselves it's too expensive or they'll do it themselves or get a friend with a camera to do it.

Why compromise on such an important part of your business?  

Photography is as an investment in your company.  It is a reflection of how you view yourself and your business. We come from a place of service holding our customers in the highest regard giving them our best and part of our service to them is to hold ourselves in high esteem as well by honoring the image that we project in public.  This includes our photographic image.

Take a look at your own marketing materials, your website, ezine etc...

What is it that sets you apart from the plethora of people in your same industry?

How will you draw attention to yourself and get your brand identified?

There are several components to this one is the graphic presentation, another is unique attention grabbing headlines but the one thing that will set you apart immediately and communicate your message quickly is a great photograph or series of photographs that captures who you are or captures your products in the most visually arresting way possible.

We've all seen the typical headshot that makes you look like a very respectable person, but what does that photograph say about you and who you are? In addition we've seen photographs of products or facilities that are plain, don't show much detail, aren't well lit or just plain don't bring out the true quality of the product that you are selling.

One suggestion I would have would be to invest in a series of photographic images that set you apart from the others in your field. If you're a life coach or professional think of all the things that you do the hats that you wear in your business. Your customers will have an opportunity to get to know you a bit better through your use of photography on your website. When choosing a photographer look for someone who you feel comfortable with. Who brings something different to the party and can create a unique set of images that you can use in your marketing.

A great example of this is the way one of my clients Dennis Chamberland used the photographs that I took of him to create a unique web presence and business cards showing a more authentic side of his personality. It has allowed his prospects to get to know him a bit better visually without the need to read everything on his website.

Once you have the series of images created then have fun with them. Some clients use the images for different marketing pieces to accentuate the meaning of the piece. If you are in a specific field then you may want images that are photographed using an environment that is similar to the industries that you serve. The important thing is don't let the images go stale. Keep them fresh just as you do your business and the programs, products or services that you offer.

Remember it's your image so have fun with it and keep it fresh and alive, just as you do your growing business.

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