Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A walk on Spring Street

I love Downtown LA. The history and architecture are very exciting to me. These images were photographed one morning in the Spring St. area of LA. It was once known as "The Wall Street of the West". It is where the first banks in Los Angeles were founded. Along with the banks went wonderful hotels that were at one time host to presidents, movie start and well known sports figures. The old stock exchange building was located there until 1986. It is a fascinating part of town well worth exploring.

Hotel Rosslyn

Hotel Barclay

From Another Time

Text Message

Circles & Squares

The Front Desk

Ladder & Shadow


Jason said...

Classic stuff....the rich b&w textures make them seem like historical photos...except for the text messaging. :-D

sanford said...

These photos are so richly evocative of another time. They're a reminder that the past is truly enfolded within the present. In particular, "Ladder and Shadows" is such a strongly graphic composition, the irony being that a thousand people must pass the site hourly without even giving it a glance.


Inspirational. A lot of depth in your photography...