Monday, August 5, 2013


I have always had a fascination with old Motels, 
imagining families on vacation, cruising cross country down route 66, going out west, discovering their next adventure. Or the traveling salesman, going from one motel to the next to rest between each days appointments. 
Old motels seem to be a dying breed. A part of our past, frozen in time; the perfect backdrop to countless stories. A location for murder, general debauchery, over zealous college kids, prostitutes, and the downtrodden. A safe or maybe not so safe haven on the road. But
most people just see them as a cheap place to park the family, get some rest, and maybe have a swim before moving on. 
For me they conjure up so many different scenes, many involving smoking, alcohol, sex and drama. Cheap early morning breakfasts of bacon and eggs, white toast, and hot coffee served by Mabel with the beehive hairdo in her coral pink uniform. The lone traveller in his room, cigarette smoldering in the ashtray, a television picture interfered with static, booze bottles strewn across the table, the remnants of past days figuring out the next move. Clandestine meetings between lovers, the special knock at the door, a welcoming embrace, curtains drawn, dim lighting, the bottle of André sweating, just purchased from the liquor store down the street with 2 plastic cups by its side. Above the television, a lone crimson rose illuminated by a streak of sunlight peeking through the curtains, revealing the backdrop of velveteen damask patterned wallpaper in burnt umber. 
This sets the stage for what attracts me to these places and what I love so much about them.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Gallery show April 26th

Since the beginning of the year I have been honored to be a part of Verge Photographers. We are a group of 5 Los Angeles based photographers who are being sponsored by the Duncan Miller Gallery. The experience has been life changing for me. It has given me an outlet for my fine art Photography and to have my work in multiple group shows throughout the year.

This week we are having an event at the gallery in conjunction with MOPLA - (Month of Photography Los Angeles) The show features the work of Verge Photographers featuring Claire MallettJamie Johnson, Liz Huston, Marjorie Salvaterra, and Myself.

If you haven't yet seen the exhibit then I would love to see you come on by. The work of all of us is truly wonderful. Here are some press articles from that may be of interest -

Photographers on the Verge Series by Stacy Scott on

Stay tuned for our upcoming new show opening on May 11, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LInda Vista Hospital
58 pages, published 3/13/2013
A portfolio of the abandoned Linda Vista Hospital. The haunting images are a testament to a once vibrant hospital facility that was built to care for employees of the Santa Fe Railway.